What Is The Difference Between Laser Lipo And Lipo Cavitation?

What Is The Difference Between Laser Lipo And Lipo Cavitation?

Lipo Cavitation

The concept of lipo cavitation was created as a non-surgical solution to liposuction. Lipo cavitation is an FDA-approved, non-surgical fat-reduction alternative that utilizes ultrasound to break down fat that is hidden under the skin. The fat is dissolving and absorbed by the body and excreted naturally. The process is easy with regard to the application.

The gel is sprayed on the skin as an artery. The ultrasonic waves are tuned to a frequency that only treats fat. Thus unlike Lipo cavitation machine, there is no danger of causing damage to other parts of the body. The duration of each session is 30 to 1 hour and the results can be immediately visible. Another benefit of the procedure is that it does not have any restrictions. Are not any FDA limitations on the places you can place it on the body. The most frequent feedback, in addition to the fact that it is almost instantaneous results, is that it is more relaxing than cooling sculpting. The lower cost does not hurt either.

Making Decision Among Choices

It is recommended that you only seek out treatments with a qualified professional who will give you a thorough consultation prior to treatment to enable you to make an educated choice on which treatment is the best one for you. Whatever treatment you decide to use to eliminate stubborn fat keep in mind that results can differ, and remember to take care of your body. Laser liposuction (also often referred to as laser lipo, or smart lipo) is becoming a well-known method to permanently get rid of excess fat from certain parts of your body. Here’s a brief outline of the benefits you can expect from this process.

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Laser lipo Process

The process of laser lipo is easy. The doctor will make an incision that is very small on your skin. This will allow the small tube known as a cannula to enter the fat tissue you would prefer to get rid of. The laser inside the cannula utilizes a specific laser to target fat-laden areas. The laser dissolves or liquefies fat and then it is removed through the cannula.

Then Why Should Someone Opt For Laser Lipo Over Traditional Liposuction Or Plastic Surgery?

There are many reasons. The first is that the price for the treatment is usually lower than liposuction. Additionally, it is simpler and a simple outpatient procedure. There is no general anesthetic required as only local is administered to patients. As a result, you’re more likely to return home quickly. Additionally, recovery times for laser lipo are much faster. Since the laser only targets fat-laden areas, you’ll experience lesser bleeding and bruising, and will be able to recover quicker.

In addition, laser lipo is also endorsed by the FDA. While other alternatives to lipo are not yet approved, this one is and will make you feel more comfortable prior to undergoing the procedure. However, the fact that the FDA recognizes something doesn’t mean that it’s the best choice for you. Always consult your doctor prior to making the decision for any significant surgery for your body.